
Let’s explore common canine health concerns, at home essentials for dog health and crucial signs that warrant a trip to the vet. Empower yourself to become your dog’s best healthcare advocate!


Don’t Let Fireworks Frighten Your Fido: Tips for a Calm and Happy Fourth of July

Ah, the Fourth of July! A time for barbecues, backyard gatherings, and of course, fireworks. But for our furry companions, the booming sounds and flashing lights of fireworks displays can be a terrifying experience. They either love it or despise it and we worry about how they are handling the day. Here’s how to help your dog stay calm and content during this loud celebration: Preparation is Key: Before the Fireworks Begin Talk to Your Vet: Discuss your dog’s anxiety level with fireworks and explore potential solutions. Your veterinarian might recommend anti-anxiety medication or calming aids. There are options that they have that would work for your dog’s breed, personality and size. Consider Boarding: If your dog has severe anxiety, boarding them in a quiet location away from firework displays could be the best option. This option provides a safe space for them and if you have a fear of them running away, then this is a good option as long as the boarding is contained. Desensitization Training (Optional): It is estimated that about 45% of dogs have firework phobia, so we recommend starting to desensitize your dog to loud noises well before the Fourth of July. Play recordings of fireworks at a low volume and gradually increase the volume over time, pairing the sounds with positive reinforcement like treats or praise. Creating a Safe Haven at Home: Stay Indoors: Keep your dog inside during firework displays. Close windows and curtains to muffle the noise and create a dark, calming environment. If necessary, stay with them and turn on a movie or sit with them during the loud noises to keep them calm and comfortable. Provide a Safe Space: Create a designated safe space for your dog, like a crate covered with a blanket or a quiet room in the house. Provide them with familiar toys and bedding. This is one of the many reasons to consider crate training for your pup to help provide them with their “safe” space when they need it. Stay Calm & Comforting: Your dog picks up on your emotions. Stay calm and reassuring throughout the evening. Avoid yelling outside or at others setting off the fireworks. Offer cuddles, soothing words, and distractions like chew toys or puzzle feeders. Additional Calming Techniques: Leash and Identification: Even the most well-behaved dog can bolt in a scared state. Ensure your dog is wearing a well-fitting leash and collar with updated identification tags. Keep the leash on your dog at all times during the day if you are outside at an event. You do not know if one type of sound will set your dog off running. It can be unpredictable but by keeping a leash a bolting episode can be prevented. CBD Products (Consult Your Vet): Discuss the use of veterinarian-approved CBD products with your vet to see if they might help alleviate your dog’s anxiety. If you are on the fence about trying CBD products on your dogs, here is more information on using CBD products from the American Kennel Club. Thundershirts: These snug-fitting garments apply gentle, constant pressure, mimicking the feeling of swaddling and promoting a sense of calm in some dogs. These are a good choice and can help with other loud episodes like construction noise or thunderstorms. Over-the-Counter Calming Aids: Consult your veterinarian about calming aids formulated with natural ingredients like chamomile or L-theanine. There are many to choose from at different price points. We suggest trying them out beforehand to make sure that it works for your dog and that you know what to expect from their reaction. Remember: Never medicate your dog without first consulting your veterinarian. The appropriate solution will depend on your dog’s individual needs and anxiety level. By planning ahead and creating a safe and comfortable environment, you can help your dog enjoy a stress-free Fourth of July. So, celebrate responsibly, keep your pup safe, and have a happy holiday!  

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Woman petting dog on couch

Choosing the Right Product: A Guide to Flea and Tick Prevention for Your Dog

Fleas and ticks are not only pesky, but they can also transmit diseases to your dog and even you! Keeping your furry friend protected requires a proactive approach. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the right flea and tick medicine: Know Your Enemy: Planning for Protection: Early Detection is Key: Treatment Options: Medicine Mania: There’s a range of flea and tick medications available, each with its pros and cons: Collars, Oral or Topical Treatments: At one time there were only a few options but now there are many options. Determining how you will administer the medicine is one of the more important decisions. Weight Matters: Consulting Your Vet is Key: Remember: By working with your veterinarian and choosing the right flea and tick medicine, you can keep your dog safe and those pesky parasites at bay! Make this an important topic to discuss at your pet’s next annual visit so you can prepare for your region’s seasons.

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Woman and dog searching internet on how to make homemade dog food

Homemade Dog Food: A Nutritious and Delicious Treat for Your Pooch

As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry companions, and one significant aspect of their well-being is their diet. While commercial dog food options are readily available, making homemade dog food can be a rewarding and beneficial alternative. By creating meals with fresh and wholesome ingredients, we can ensure our dogs receive the essential nutrients they need for a long and healthy life. Here is a simple and nutritious homemade dog food recipe to make for your dog. As with any change in a dog’s diets, you should check with their veterinarian first. As you begin your research to find the perfect blend of ingredients to include in your dog’s food, here is a list of ingredients and what benefits they bring to your dog’s diet. A good ratio to begin with is to stick with 1/3 each of protein, grain/starch and vegetable. Depending on how you supplement your dog with bones will determine if you need to add a calcium supplement. As with all dog food, provide a generous amount of water for your dog for daily consumption to keep them hydrated. Homemade Dog Food Recipe Ingredients: For more in-depth information on meeting your dog’s nutritional needs with homemade food, visit Veterinary Medical Centers Nutritional Page. By preparing homemade dog food with love and care, you can provide your furry friend with a wholesome and balanced diet. This recipe incorporates lean proteins, whole grains, and nutrient-dense vegetables, ensuring your dog receives all the essential nutrients for optimum health. Remember, before making any dietary changes for your dog, consult with your veterinarian to ensure that the meal plan is appropriate for your dog’s specific needs and health conditions. Each dog needs specific ingredients and nutrients to stay healthy and at their best for mobility, heart health and aging. Affiliate Links

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5 Reasons Dogs Lick and Chew Their Paws and How to Help Them

Ever sat with your canine companion during a quiet evening, only to find them going to town on their paws like they’ve found a hidden treasure? Paw licking and chewing is a common canine habit. But ever stopped to wonder, why on earth is Fido so obsessed with his toes? Let’s unpack this paw-dicament. Allergies: The Itchy Nemeses Just like us, dogs can fall victim to the itchy wrath of allergies. And often, their paws bear the brunt of this battle. For example, Buster, a lively Labrador, started gnawing at his paws after walks. A vet visit revealed he was allergic to a specific grass type in his favorite park. Who would’ve thought? Yeast Infections: A Sticky Situation A dog’s paws can be a hotbed for yeast, especially if they’re moist or sweaty. Symptoms of a yeast infection include: Remember, yeast thrives in warm and wet environments. So, if your pup loves water but hates drying off, you might have found your culprit. Dry and Cracked Paws: The Desert Effect Have you ever experienced dry skin in winter? Our pets aren’t immune to this either. A dog’s paws can become dry and cracked, leading to: Imagine walking on sandpaper. Ouch! This might just be how your dog feels. Psychological Reasons: More Than Skin Deep Sometimes, the issue isn’t physical. Stress, anxiety, or plain old boredom can lead to obsessive paw licking. Bella, a Boxer, began licking her paws when her family moved houses. A little digging revealed she missed her old stomping grounds and buddies. Emotional, isn’t it? Injuries or Foreign Objects: The Unseen Agonies A thorn, a tiny pebble, or a cut can often go unnoticed but cause significant discomfort. Helping Your Canine Comrade If you’ve identified with any of the above reasons, fret not! There are several ways to lend a helping hand (or paw): “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi Conclusion To lick or not to lick, that is the question. Well, for our furry friends, the answer often lies beneath the surface, sometimes quite literally. Whether it’s an allergy or an emotional itch, understanding the root of the problem is half the battle won. Here’s to happier, healthier paws! Key Takeaway: Dogs lick and chew their paws due to various reasons ranging from allergies and infections to emotional stress. Regular checks, vet consultations, and ensuring mental stimulation can help address the root causes. Remember, every lick tells a story; it’s up to us to listen. 🐾

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Why Does My Puppy Breathe Fast While Sleeping?

Have you ever laid down next to your puppy, hoping to catch a few winks yourself, only to notice that their tiny chest is fluttering faster than a hummingbird’s wings? You’re not alone. Many fur-parents scratch their heads (or more likely, Google) over this very question: Why does my puppy breathe so darn fast when they’re asleep? Well, pour yourself a cup of tea, and get cozy; we’re diving deep into the canine dreamland. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Puppies, much like humans, go through different stages of sleep. One of these stages is the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase, where the brain is as active as when it’s awake. During REM: Imagine it this way: if your puppy is dreaming of sprinting through a meadow, their sleeping body might just try to keep up! Their Body is Growing… Fast! Puppies are like those magic sponge toys – you know, the ones that expand exponentially when you toss them in water? Except, puppies don’t need water, just food, and lots of sleep. Think of it as their body’s way of saying, “I’m leveling up, give me a sec!” Breeds and Their Breathing Quirks Is your puppy from a breed known to have a snout as flat as a pancake or a nose longer than a hiking trail? Breed differences can explain a lot. It’s like comparing a race car to a bicycle – they have their own speeds! Relax, They’re Just Hot Ah, the simplicity of this reason! Dogs don’t sweat like we do, remember? It’s their internal fan system; imagine you’d need one too if you were wearing a fur coat 24/7. When Should You Worry? We’ve covered the normal, but what about the not-so-normal? Here are some signs that might indicate a need for a vet visit: Remember, you know your fur-baby best. If something feels off, it’s always good to get a second opinion. Tips to Ensure Peaceful Puppy Slumbers For those extra concerned or simply wanting to be proactive, consider: A well-rested puppy is a happy puppy. And isn’t that the dream? Conclusion: So, why does your puppy breathe fast while sleeping? In most cases, it’s perfectly natural and a part of their growth or dream cycle. But as with everything, moderation is key. Keep an eye out, and trust your instincts. After all, at the end of the day (or night), our little furballs rely on us to keep them safe, sound, and ready for another day of adventures. 🐾 Key Takeaway: Puppies breathe fast during sleep mainly due to REM sleep, rapid growth, their breed, or because they’re hot. It’s mostly normal, but always monitor for consistent or distressing changes. When in doubt, consult with your vet. Happy dreaming, pups!

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