
Our guide to dog behavior is your one-stop shop! We look into canine communication, common behavioral issues, positive training techniques, and everything in between. Unlock a deeper understanding of your furry friend and create a harmonious life together.


Don’t Let Fireworks Frighten Your Fido: Tips for a Calm and Happy Fourth of July

Ah, the Fourth of July! A time for barbecues, backyard gatherings, and of course, fireworks. But for our furry companions, the booming sounds and flashing lights of fireworks displays can be a terrifying experience. They either love it or despise it and we worry about how they are handling the day. Here’s how to help your dog stay calm and content during this loud celebration: Preparation is Key: Before the Fireworks Begin Talk to Your Vet: Discuss your dog’s anxiety level with fireworks and explore potential solutions. Your veterinarian might recommend anti-anxiety medication or calming aids. There are options that they have that would work for your dog’s breed, personality and size. Consider Boarding: If your dog has severe anxiety, boarding them in a quiet location away from firework displays could be the best option. This option provides a safe space for them and if you have a fear of them running away, then this is a good option as long as the boarding is contained. Desensitization Training (Optional): It is estimated that about 45% of dogs have firework phobia, so we recommend starting to desensitize your dog to loud noises well before the Fourth of July. Play recordings of fireworks at a low volume and gradually increase the volume over time, pairing the sounds with positive reinforcement like treats or praise. Creating a Safe Haven at Home: Stay Indoors: Keep your dog inside during firework displays. Close windows and curtains to muffle the noise and create a dark, calming environment. If necessary, stay with them and turn on a movie or sit with them during the loud noises to keep them calm and comfortable. Provide a Safe Space: Create a designated safe space for your dog, like a crate covered with a blanket or a quiet room in the house. Provide them with familiar toys and bedding. This is one of the many reasons to consider crate training for your pup to help provide them with their “safe” space when they need it. Stay Calm & Comforting: Your dog picks up on your emotions. Stay calm and reassuring throughout the evening. Avoid yelling outside or at others setting off the fireworks. Offer cuddles, soothing words, and distractions like chew toys or puzzle feeders. Additional Calming Techniques: Leash and Identification: Even the most well-behaved dog can bolt in a scared state. Ensure your dog is wearing a well-fitting leash and collar with updated identification tags. Keep the leash on your dog at all times during the day if you are outside at an event. You do not know if one type of sound will set your dog off running. It can be unpredictable but by keeping a leash a bolting episode can be prevented. CBD Products (Consult Your Vet): Discuss the use of veterinarian-approved CBD products with your vet to see if they might help alleviate your dog’s anxiety. If you are on the fence about trying CBD products on your dogs, here is more information on using CBD products from the American Kennel Club. Thundershirts: These snug-fitting garments apply gentle, constant pressure, mimicking the feeling of swaddling and promoting a sense of calm in some dogs. These are a good choice and can help with other loud episodes like construction noise or thunderstorms. Over-the-Counter Calming Aids: Consult your veterinarian about calming aids formulated with natural ingredients like chamomile or L-theanine. There are many to choose from at different price points. We suggest trying them out beforehand to make sure that it works for your dog and that you know what to expect from their reaction. Remember: Never medicate your dog without first consulting your veterinarian. The appropriate solution will depend on your dog’s individual needs and anxiety level. By planning ahead and creating a safe and comfortable environment, you can help your dog enjoy a stress-free Fourth of July. So, celebrate responsibly, keep your pup safe, and have a happy holiday!  

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Girl with her dog

Growing Up with a Furry Friend: How a Puppy Adds Responsibility and Enhances Childhood

Bringing a puppy into your family isn’t just about adding a cuddly companion – it’s also about giving your children valuable lessons in responsibility and nurturing a special bond that can last a lifetime. Responsibility in Action: Puppies require constant care, and your children can play a significant role in their well-being. Here’s how: Feeding Time: Teach your kids (age-appropriate) how to measure food, fill the bowl, and keep the water fresh. Walkies and Playtime: Supervised walks and playtime sessions not only burn off puppy energy but also allow your children to bond with their furry friend. Cleaning Up: Accidents happen, especially with young puppies. Involve your children in cleaning up messes (with your guidance) to teach them responsibility and respect for their pet. Training Time: Simple commands like sit, stay, and come can be taught with your children’s participation, fostering a sense of teamwork and accomplishment. The Benefits of a Family Dog: Having a dog can significantly enrich your children’s lives in countless ways: Unconditional Love: Dogs offer a constant source of love and affection, teaching children empathy and compassion. Confidence and Self-Esteem: Caring for a dog can boost your child’s confidence as they learn to take charge and nurture another living being. Social Skills: Dogs can be great conversation starters, helping children overcome shyness and develop social skills as they interact with other dog owners or at dog parks. Active Lifestyle: Dogs need walks and playtime, encouraging children to get outdoors and be active, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Loyalty and Companionship: Dogs provide a sense of security and companionship, especially for lonely children or those struggling to make friends. A Bond that Grows: Witnessing the bond between your children and the dog is truly heartwarming. They’ll learn valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, and the importance of nurturing relationships. These experiences will shape them as they grow, leaving behind cherished memories of their furry companion. Remember: While a puppy can be a wonderful addition to your family, it’s crucial to ensure your children are prepared for the responsibility. Open communication and setting clear expectations will pave the way for a successful and rewarding experience for everyone involved. Training the Best Dog Ever Guide to the Well-Behaved Dog Lucky Dog Lessons

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Woman watching television with her dog

Lights, Camera, Silence! Stop Your Dog’s TV Tantrums

It can be quite startling when your dog barks at the TV! One minute you’re enjoying a movie, the next your furry friend is launching into a full-blown frenzy at the sight (or sound) of a virtual squirrel. While their protective instincts are adorable, constant barking disrupts relaxation time. Here are some strategies to help your dog stop barking at animals on screen and create a more peaceful viewing experience for everyone. Understanding Why Your Dog Barks: Desensitization and Counterconditioning: This is a technique that gradually teaches your dog a calm response to the triggers (animals on TV). Here’s how to implement it: Management: Training a “Look” Command: Other Tips: Additional Considerations: By combining these techniques and being patient, you can help your dog learn to relax and enjoy TV time with you without the barking surprises!

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Dog begging for owners pizza

Table Manners for Tail Waggers: Training Your Dog to Leave Your Leftovers Alone

Dog begging can be quite persistent! Those soulful eyes and wet noses are hard to resist, but constant begging can disrupt mealtimes and turn into a frustrating habit. Here are some strategies to help curb your dog’s begging habit and establish clear boundaries around mealtime, leading to a more peaceful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Understanding Why They Beg: Key Techniques: Additional Tips: Consider Professional Help: If you’ve been struggling to curb your dog’s begging habit and these techniques don’t seem to be working, a certified dog trainer can provide personalized guidance and training methods specific to your dog’s needs. Remember, be patient and consistent with your training. It might take some time, but with dedication, you can successfully teach your dog that begging is not an effective way to get what they want.

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Cocker spaniel with squeaky toy

Keeping Your Pet Safe: What to Do if Your Dog Catches Wildlife

It can come as a shock when you sweet fur legged buddy brings home an unwanted friend. As they sit their wagging their tail and beaming with pride, an owner most likely doesn’t share the same feeling. It’s natural for some dogs to chase small animals – it’s a strong instinct in many breeds. But what do you do when a squirrel, mouse, bird or another small animal shows up on your patio or even worse is brought inside your home? Here’s what to do if your dog catches one and brings it to you: Safety First: Assess the Situation: Taking Action: Understanding Your Dog: Training for Better Control: Veterinarian Visit: Keeping Calm: Hygiene: Remember, the goal is to ensure everyone’s safety and prevent future occurrences. By understanding your dog’s instincts, focusing on positive training methods, and seeking professional help if needed, you can create a more harmonious environment for your furry friend and the neighborhood wildlife.

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Bringing Home Your New Adult Dog

The moment has arrived. You’ve done your research, visited shelters, and finally found the one — not a wiggly puppy, but a majestic, wise-looking adult dog. Bringing home an adult dog is akin to starting a new chapter in a book where a few chapters have already been written. Curious about how to turn the pages smoothly and ensure a happy storyline? Buckle up, and let’s take a ride down this exciting lane. Setting The Stage: A Homey Welcome You wouldn’t invite guests over without prepping your home, right? Same logic applies here. Think of it as setting the stage for a grand play. Every prop matters. The First Meet and Greet: Taking Baby Steps First impressions matter, even in the dog world. Remember the nervousness on the first day of school? Your new dog might be feeling something similar. Routine: The Magic Wand for Assurance If there’s one thing dogs appreciate (besides treats, of course), it’s predictability. Routines offer comfort. It’s like knowing you’ll always find your favorite snack in the top left cabinet. Reassuring, isn’t it? Communication: The Key to Mutual Understanding Dogs may not speak our lingo, but they’re pros at understanding body language. Ever played charades? Think of this as an extended version, with more tail wags! Training and Reinforcement: Age is Just a Number Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Just as wine gets better with age, with the right training, so can an adult dog’s behavior. Health First: Ensuring A Smooth Transition A new environment can be a tad stressful. Keeping an eye on their health is paramount. It’s like moving to a new city and finding the best doctor. Essential and reassuring. Patience is a Virtue: Give It Time Adjusting to a new home, especially if there are past traumas, can take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and trust isn’t either. But brick by brick, it solidifies. Bonding: Building A Connection That Lasts Spend quality time together. Create memories. Remember the joy of making a new friend and discovering shared interests? This is the canine version of that. Conclusion Bringing home an adult dog is a journey of understanding, patience, and love. While the initial chapters of their story might have been written elsewhere, the pages ahead are blank, waiting for you both to fill them with adventures, snuggles, and countless memories. As the saying goes, “The best is yet to come.” Key Takeaway: Introducing an adult dog to your home is a process that demands preparation, understanding, and time. By setting routines, prioritizing communication, and ensuring a strong health foundation, you lay the groundwork for a bond that will stand the test of time. Remember, every wag, woof, and nuzzle is a paragraph in the heartwarming tale you’re co-authoring. 🐾

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How To Calm Down A Hyper Dog and Enjoy Peaceful Play

Ah, the exuberant joys of having a hyper dog! You know the drill: the moment you walk in the door, your furry friend is bouncing off the walls, sprinting in circles, and maybe even letting out the occasional joyous bark. It’s like they’ve just chugged a dozen espressos. But while this level of energy can be adorable, it can also be, well, exhausting. Ever found yourself wondering how you can calm this whirlwind down, just a notch or two? Let’s dive in. The Physical Exercise Route: More Than Just a Walk All dogs, especially the younger ones, come with a built-in battery that needs depleting. And nothing does that better than some good old physical activity. For example, Dexter, the hyperactive Dalmatian, found his zen after his owner took him on morning jogs. Two birds, one stone. Mental Stimulation: Challenge The Brain Much like us after a grueling puzzle, dogs too can feel drained (in a good way) after some mental workouts. Remember, a mentally exhausted dog is a calm dog. It’s like giving them a good book to read (in dog terms, of course). Scheduled Quiet Time: Everyone Needs a Break If children have nap times, why not dogs? Setting aside a calm period daily can help bring down their energy levels. It’s a bit like their version of a spa day, minus the cucumber slices. Reinforce Calm Behavior: Good Vibes Only In the whirlwind of energy, it’s easy to forget to reward the calmer moments. But that’s where the gold is! Think of it as training for tranquility. Who said you can’t teach an old (or young) dog new tricks? Consider Professional Help: Bring in The Big Guns Sometimes, the hyperactivity can be a deeper behavioral issue, and there’s no harm in seeking out the pros. Tailoring To Your Dog’s Needs While the above are general guidelines, every dog is a unique puzzle. To really find that calm, understanding your dog’s specific needs is paramount: “The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man’s.” – Mark Twain Conclusion There’s a saying that goes, “A tired dog is a good dog.” But more than just tiring them out, finding that balance between physical exertion, mental stimulation, and well-deserved relaxation can transform your hyper furball into a calm companion. It’s a journey of understanding, patience, and a whole lot of love. And as they say, every journey begins with a single step (or in this case, perhaps a paw). Key Takeaway: Calming a hyper dog involves a combination of physical activity, mental stimulation, reinforcing calm behavior, and sometimes seeking professional insights. Tailoring strategies to your dog’s unique needs is crucial. At the end of the day, it’s all about understanding and harnessing their energy, leading to a happier, healthier pup. 🐾

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5 Reasons Dogs Lick and Chew Their Paws and How to Help Them

Ever sat with your canine companion during a quiet evening, only to find them going to town on their paws like they’ve found a hidden treasure? Paw licking and chewing is a common canine habit. But ever stopped to wonder, why on earth is Fido so obsessed with his toes? Let’s unpack this paw-dicament. Allergies: The Itchy Nemeses Just like us, dogs can fall victim to the itchy wrath of allergies. And often, their paws bear the brunt of this battle. For example, Buster, a lively Labrador, started gnawing at his paws after walks. A vet visit revealed he was allergic to a specific grass type in his favorite park. Who would’ve thought? Yeast Infections: A Sticky Situation A dog’s paws can be a hotbed for yeast, especially if they’re moist or sweaty. Symptoms of a yeast infection include: Remember, yeast thrives in warm and wet environments. So, if your pup loves water but hates drying off, you might have found your culprit. Dry and Cracked Paws: The Desert Effect Have you ever experienced dry skin in winter? Our pets aren’t immune to this either. A dog’s paws can become dry and cracked, leading to: Imagine walking on sandpaper. Ouch! This might just be how your dog feels. Psychological Reasons: More Than Skin Deep Sometimes, the issue isn’t physical. Stress, anxiety, or plain old boredom can lead to obsessive paw licking. Bella, a Boxer, began licking her paws when her family moved houses. A little digging revealed she missed her old stomping grounds and buddies. Emotional, isn’t it? Injuries or Foreign Objects: The Unseen Agonies A thorn, a tiny pebble, or a cut can often go unnoticed but cause significant discomfort. Helping Your Canine Comrade If you’ve identified with any of the above reasons, fret not! There are several ways to lend a helping hand (or paw): “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi Conclusion To lick or not to lick, that is the question. Well, for our furry friends, the answer often lies beneath the surface, sometimes quite literally. Whether it’s an allergy or an emotional itch, understanding the root of the problem is half the battle won. Here’s to happier, healthier paws! Key Takeaway: Dogs lick and chew their paws due to various reasons ranging from allergies and infections to emotional stress. Regular checks, vet consultations, and ensuring mental stimulation can help address the root causes. Remember, every lick tells a story; it’s up to us to listen. 🐾

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Why Do Dogs Lick The Air? Unraveling the Mysteries of Canine Behavior

Hello, dog enthusiasts! Today, let’s unpack a rather peculiar, sometimes baffling dog behavior – air licking. You might have noticed your four-legged companion suddenly licking the air, as if catching invisible butterflies. Why do they do this, and what can we deduce from such a quirky behavior? Buckle up as we venture on this explorative journey through the world of canine gestures and communications. A Curious Observation: The Phenomenon of Air Licking Picture this: you are lounging with your faithful furry friend when suddenly, their tongue starts making swift motions, seemingly licking the invisible entities floating in the air. The Initial Bewilderment Could this be a masterpiece of canine performance art, or is there more than meets the eye? Setting the Scene for Investigation But, is it just a frivolous act, or does it hold a deeper significance in the realm of dog behavior? Unearthing the Probable Causes A journey into the why behind the air licking phenomenon unveils several potential reasons. Let’s dissect them one by one. A Sensory Feast Could this be a fine example of their culinary exploration, a gastronomic adventure in the comfort of their home? Communicative Gestures Is it possible that they are weaving a tapestry of messages through the rhythmic dance of their tongues? Health Concerns: When to Ring the Alarm Bells While it’s often harmless, sometimes, this air licking can be indicative of underlying health issues. It’s essential to keep an eye out for potential red flags. Dental Issues Does this mean that a vigilant eye could be the first line of defense in safeguarding your dog’s health? Gastrointestinal Problems Are we then, sometimes witnessing silent cries for help, veiled under the guise of this quirky behavior? Navigating the Behavioral Aspects Understanding the behavioral context is crucial in decoding the air licking mystery. Here, we unravel the behavioral tapestry woven by our canine friends. Compulsive Behavior Could this be a sign that our dogs are painting their canvas of communication with strokes of repetitive actions? Calming Mechanism Is it plausible that they are crafting their sanctuary of peace, one lick at a time? The Road Ahead: Addressing the Air Licking Behavior So, how do we address this behavior and ensure the well-being of our beloved pets? Here’s a road map to guide you: Observation and Understanding Isn’t it true that sometimes, the solutions lie in the quiet observations of their silent conversations? Consulting the Experts Could it be that expert intervention is sometimes the bridge to their happiness, helping them paint a brighter, healthier picture of life? Conclusion: The Symphony of Canine Communication In conclusion, our journey through the air-licking maze reveals a symphony of communications, nuanced and varied, yet profoundly significant. The language of dogs is intricate, laden with messages conveyed through seemingly simple gestures. Key Takeaway Understanding the air licking behavior in dogs unravels layers of communication, health indicators, and behavioral aspects that are woven intricately in their daily life. It’s a dance of tongues, a silent symphony of messages that speak volumes about their experiences, emotions, and well-being. As dog lovers, diving deep into this language can open up new horizons of understanding and bonding, helping us forge connections that are both profound and joyous. So, are you ready to become a fluent speaker in the silent, expressive language of dogs, decoding messages, one air lick at a time?

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Unveiling the Canine Mystery: The Excessive Licking Phenomenon

Hello, fellow dog aficionados! Have you ever found yourself buried under the enthusiastic licks of your furry best friend, wondering what’s the motive behind this shower of affection? Let’s delve deep into the canine psyche to unravel this heartwarming, yet sometimes perplexing, behavior. The Natural Instinct: From Pups to Adults A Maternal Gesture The first whispers of life in the dog world are accompanied by the gentle licks of a mother. These are not just strokes of affection, but integral to the puppy’s survival. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s a form of communication that begins in the cradle? Growing Into Adulthood As they grow, this behavior mutates, embodying different shades of meaning. It metamorphoses from a maternal gesture to a multifaceted communication tool. Doesn’t it seem like this simple gesture carries a world of meaning within it? The Language of Licks: Decoding the Messages A Sign of Affection At the heart of this behavior is a profound affection and attachment that your dog feels for you. Could this be their way of saying, “I love you”? Seeking Attention Sometimes, these licks are a tap on your shoulder, an attempt to capture your attention and to engage with them. Do you sometimes feel it’s their way of nudging you to take a break and enjoy the little joys of life? The Underlying Science: A Dive into Canine Biology The Role of Taste Buds What drives them to lick so fervently? The answers lie partly in their biology. Doesn’t this make you wonder about the myriad flavors they discover through this simple act? Release of Pleasure Hormones Believe it or not, licking can be a source of pleasure for dogs due to the release of endorphins, the happiness hormones. Could this be their secret recipe for happiness, a lick and a wag at a time? Licking as a Health Indicator Spotting Health Issues Sometimes, the licking goes beyond affection and becomes a sign of underlying health issues. Isn’t it incredible how they communicate their health status through such subtle cues? Guiding the Licking Behavior Setting Boundaries While the licks are sweet, sometimes they can become a bit too much. It becomes essential to guide this behavior to ensure a healthy interaction. Don’t you think it’s a small step towards nurturing a harmonious bond? Encouraging Positive Behavior To encourage a positive licking behavior, it’s vital to respond appropriately to their cues. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s about creating a conversation based on understanding and affection? Conclusion: Embracing the Love, One Lick at a Time As we untangle the enigma behind the fervent licks, we discover a world rich in emotions, communication, and biology interwoven in a beautiful dance. A Symphony of Affection Key Takeaway Dive deep into the world of your canine companion, where each lick is a sentence in a language brimming with love, respect, and camaraderie. It’s a conversation that nurtures a relationship that’s pure, trusting, and profoundly joyful. So the next time you find yourself at the receiving end of a licking spree, remember, it’s just your dog’s way of showering you with affection, respect, and a sprinkle of curiosity. Ready to embrace this love, one lick at a time? I hope this conversation brings a new dimension to your understanding of your dog’s licking behavior, painting it with hues of love, respect, and a deep bond that transcends words. So, are you ready to dive deep into this linguistic journey, understanding and cherishing each affectionate lick?

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